1. Set up your JustGiving page....
Your page is a great and easy way for your friends and family to donate and keep updated with your fundraising journey. Remember to say why you’ve chosen to help #FightForYourWorld.
2. Set yourself a fundraising target...
Setting a target helps you get up to 45% more donations - aim high. If you start to near your original target, don’t stop and aim even higher! Let people know how the money you raise can help WWF’s work, using our guide.
3. Get the ball rolling...
Be the first to donate to your own fundraising. It shows your friends and family that you’re taking your fundraising seriously!
4. Share your page...
Once your page is set up, share it far and wide! Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are great places to start asking for donations and remember to tag WWF-UK. Don’t forget about emails, WhatsApp and texts too.
5. It’s better together...
Fundraising is easier if you’re working as a team! Invite friends, family and colleagues to join you.
6. Give your fundraising a boost..
Ask your employer whether they have a matched giving policy. One quick conversation could help double the money you raise.
7. Get creative...
Can you think of fun ways to boost your fundraising? You could put on a bake sale or promise to wear fancy dress when you reach your target! Our resources could help spark your imagination.
8. Share your page again!...
Remember to tell people in person about your fundraising too! Spread the word at your workplace, gym, your children’s school – the list is endless.
9. Say thank you...
This one is a biggie! Say thank you to all the generous people who have donated and let them know how much you’ve raised
10.Keep asking, even after your fundraising event has taken place...
Friends and family might have forgotten to donate to your page so give them a gentle nudge reminding them to donate.
Got a question?
If you can't find an answer to your query in our fundraising FAQs, get in touch and we'll be happy to help you on your fundraising journey. You can contact us here