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Whether making positive changes at home, putting pressure on governments to deliver on their promises, or bringing eco-friendly habits into your school or workplace, there are many ways to help protect and restore nature that won’t make a dent in your wallet. 

Here are 24 budget friendly ways to give nature a helping hand in 2024...

Raise your voice for nature...

1. Our leaders must stop fuelling the destruction of nature and start bringing our world back to life. Sign our petition which will be handed in to all major UK political parties.

2. Talk to others about the environment – lots of us care about nature but can feel reluctant to share our concerns with friends and family. Talking can help us to find ways to act together for nature.

3. Connect with colleagues who also have a passion for nature by screening our Save Our Wild Isles business films where you work. Get the conversation started and discuss how your workplace can be part of the solution. 

4. The best way to influence policymakers is through your local MP. Our ambassador Cel Spellman has shared some tips on how to speak to politicians. 

Connect with others...

5. Get active, get social, and raise funds for vital conservation work by picking from a host of local challenges in our events calendar.  

6. Be a part of Earth Hour. Connect with millions of people around the world in a global movement for our world. Save the date for 23 March at 8:30pm. 

7. Listen to our Call of the Wild podcast. Host Cel Spellman and special guests, including Deborah Meaden and Richard Curtis, tackle some big topics, including the most impactful things we can do to make a difference for nature – you might be surprised by some of the insights!

8. Inspire changes in your workplace. Wherever you work, whatever sector you work in, you can take action for our world. Start here and read about the actions all businesses can take to help build a sustainable future. 

Little changes make big waves...

9. Order a free Nature Friendly Planner and get started on a fun, three-month journey towards more sustainable habits. You’ll learn some great skills along the way – like how to revive a bee in need!

10. Knowledge is power and knowing where you’re making the most impact on the environment means you can make the biggest difference. Calculate your personal impact with our footprint calculator

11Download our My Footprint app and pick up some simple, sustainable habits - including some that could even help you save the pennies! 

12. Eat for the planet. Food production is a major contributor to wildlife loss and climate change. Make the changes that feel most doable for you with Eat4Change. Or set up a food challenge with your work colleagues, sharing tasty plant-based recipes or seeing if your school’s canteen can provide more varied plant-based options.

Currency and money in soil

The power in your pocket...

13. Choosing a sustainable pension fund is 21x more effective than stopping flying, going vegetarian and switching your energy supplier collectively! Watch this eye-opening video, and for information and advice check out Make My Money Matter

14. Buying second-hand wherever possible will not only save you money, but it’ll reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, as well as the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new products.  

15. Save money, reduce your waste and learn new skills by fixing things you already have. YouTube can provide lots of tutorials on everything from sewing up holes in your clothes to upcycling old furniture. 

16. Need a sustainable, budget friendly gift? The WWF shop stocks lots of options, with prices starting from just over £2. 

Closeup of echinacea with gardener in the background

Act at home...

17. Make choices that reduce your impact on the environment and save you money. Start by reading our top 10 tips on how to save water or try turning down the temperature of your laundry wash. 

18. Become a walrus detective and search for walrus in images from space, to learn more about how the climate crisis is affecting them. 29,000 people have already registered as detectives, and we need your help too! 

19. Check out the WWF Green Energy Forecast. This tool helps you find out when the greenest and dirtiest hours of the day will be, up to 24 hours in advance, so you can plug in electric appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers at the greenest time of day. 

20. Request a smart meter to help you keep track of the energy you're using and how much it is costing you.

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Go outside...

21. If you have a garden, make it wildlife friendly. Read our top tips on how to make your outside space work for nature. 

22. Use the WWF Travel Better planner to green your trip. You could even recommend the planner at work as a way of making your business’s work travel more sustainable – supercharging your impact! 

23. Explore nature while giving back. Sign up to our Big Winter Wander and explore nature in your local area while also fundraising to help protect wildlife in the UK and around the world. 

24. Look after yourself. We've partnered with the Mental Health Foundation to create guide filled with tips and tools for how all of us can connect with nature, to help us thrive even in challenging times. 

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