How can NbS projects apply the TNFD reporting framework?
How can NbS projects apply the TNFD reporting framework?
A more consistent and transparent approach to NbS reporting is needed to unlock capital. To date, investment in NbS has been limited due to investors not having adequate information to consistently evaluate and compare the design, impact, and financial returns of projects.
The launch of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Recommendations in September 2023 presented an opportunity to address this information gap. The Recommendations encourage organisations to assess nature-related issues, formulate a strategy, and report on them consistently in accordance with leading sustainability reporting standards.
The NbS Accelerator team at WWF-UK has produced a user guide in the form of a report, a workbook, and guidance document. Together, they explain investor reporting requirements and provide guidance to projects seeking to attract financial investment.
The user guide can also help identify corporates for whom NbS is an opportunity or response to nature-related issues in their supply chains.
The Metrics Workbook is designed for NbS project teams to filter and prioritise potential project indicators and metrics, and the Suggested Guidance to help prepare commentary applying the TNFD LEAP approach.

Who is this for?
Who is this for?
The user guide is primarily for NbS project teams considering preparing reports or presentations to actual or potential financial stakeholders.
Project teams will gain an understanding of how to assess and evaluate their own project design, governance and implementation, and to report on this in alignment with the TNFD Recommendations.
We hope that this will foster adoption of the TNFD framework by NbS projects to scale action towards sustainable restoration and management of landscapes in ways that benefit both people and nature.