About the UK SEAS project
The UK SEAS project is working to develop the right protection and management for our seas, to secure a future for important industries, communities and nature.

Visit the UK SEAS project website to find out more about the work we're doing and to read our reports.
UK SEAS is a five year WWF-led project started in 2018 initially focussing on two case study areas – North Devon and the Outer Hebrides, and will share lessons across the UK and beyond.
The project is funded through a partnership between WWF and Sky Ocean Rescue.
Get in touch
Twitter: @UKSEAS_project
Email: UKSEAS@wwf.org.uk

© Martin Harvey / WWF
What will we do?
What will we do?
- We will work with the local communities of North Devon and the Outer Hebrides, to find new and creative ways for people and nature to thrive in MPAs.
- We will take a fresh look at how we coordinate the management of MPAs.
- We will trial innovative ways of financing MPA management, to improve the health of our seas and benefit the economy.
- We will inspire local communities to feel a sense of stewardship for the MPAs on their doorsteps and the amazing sea life within them.
- We will share lessons and approaches developed in our case study areas across the UK and beyond.