What we’re doing to tackle the climate crisis in Wales

Land Use in Wales
Land Use in Wales
We can play our part in reversing nature’s decline and tackling the climate crisis by changing how we use our land in Wales. Supporting farmers to adopt climate and nature friendly practices is crucial to securing our future, enabling farms to be more resilient to the impacts of climate change induced extreme weather events such as droughts and floods and therefore our ability to produce food.
That's why we're calling for a Land of Our Future where people and nature thrive.

Welsh Seas
Welsh Seas
Welsh seas cover 43% of Wales and are home to an abundance of important marine life, but our seas are under threat from pollution, unsustainable human activity and climate change and we need to act now.
We’re working with partners in Wales on some of the solutions, to see the benefit for nature and people.

The Food System
The Food System
What we do, here in Wales, is having a catastrophic effect on the world’s forests and critical habitats. We need to reduce our global impact by responsibly sourcing products that do not cause deforestation overseas.
We’re calling for Wales to become a deforestation-free nation and ask the Welsh Government to commit to this through supporting Welsh farmers to eliminate imported livestock feed that is linked to deforestation and habitat conversion overseas.
By making it a requirement for supply chains to be free from deforestation in Welsh procurement policies, we can make this happen.