Since the Scottish Parliament unanimously passed the Climate Change Act in 2009, we’ve been working to ensure the aims of reducing emissions from 1990 levels by 42% by 2020 and by 80% by 2050 are met.
With this world-leading legislation, and a strong commitment to climate justice, Scotland is continuing to tackle climate change head-on.
Whilst Scotland might be a relatively small player on the global stage, they can have global influence by showing the world that a greener, fairer future is possible.
Meeting the targets set in the Climate Change Act will be challenging. That’s why we’re working with politicians, the public and business to ensure that the Government delivers an ambitious climate action plan (the RPP3) so that we hit future targets, and crucially, realise the enormous benefits of a greener, zero-carbon Scotland.
Implementing Scotland’s Climate Act means not only reducing emissions, but tackling fuel poverty, giving us warmer homes, cleaner air and healthier lifestyles while creating new jobs and economic opportunities across Scotland.
How we’re tackling climate change?
We have a vision for a 100% renewable future globally by 2050 and in Scotland, a future powered solely by renewables is within our grasp even sooner.
Scotland’s windy weather and powerful seas might seem like a curse on a miserable day, but when it comes to renewables they’re a huge blessing in disguise. With its extraordinary natural advantages – including 25% of Europe’s offshore wind and tidal power potential, as well as 10% of its wave power potential , it’s no surprise that Scotland is at the forefront of the renewables revolution.
We need to make the most of our renewable potential. Our vision is for a society where we do more with less. Making homes, cars and products more efficient means they’ll use less energy and produce fewer emissions, and will ensure that our renewable energy goes as far as it can. Our buildings are the most urgent problem, being amongst the oldest and leakiest in the world, so we’re pressing the Scottish Government to help everyone insulate their house to end the scourge of cold homes in Scotland.
We're aiming for 50% renewable energy by 2030
We’ve shown that to meet our climate targets, at least half of Scotland’s energy will need to come from renewables by 2030. This needs to be across the electricity, heat and transport sectors. That's up from 13% today.
The Scottish Government has set out to generate the equivalent of all of Scotland’s electricity needs from renewables by 2020, and we’re making good progress against this ambitious goal. And by 2030, Scotland could be entirely powered by renewables - we’ve shown that a system without any coal, gas or nuclear plants is achievable and realistic.
Over the next decade, the challenge will be maintaining the success of our renewable electricity industry and harnessing this momentum to develop thriving renewable heating and transport sectors.
With ongoing cross-party political will and the right policies, Scotland can makes the most of its renewables potential and engineering tradition, delivering clean, affordable, secure energy, skilled jobs, and a strong green economy.