Make a promise
Make a promise
Right now we’re up against the biggest environmental threats that our generation, or any generation, has ever faced.
Wildlife we love, like elephants, turtles and polar bears, are at risk from the effects of climate change, pollution & over-consumption.
There are clear solutions to fix our broken planet – our home urgently needs everyone to act on them now. Here are some of the promises you could make, and the impact your choice will have on the planet:
1) I will refuse plastic cutlery with takeaway food
By 2050 there could be more plastic in the sea than fish! By refusing a plastic knife and fork with your lunch each working day of the year, you could personally save 466 items of unnecessary plastic.
2) I will use a reusable coffee cup rather than disposable ones
It’s estimated that around 2.5bn coffee cups are thrown away in the UK each year – that’s seven million a day! By using a reusable cup on your commute you could prevent 233 cups going to landfill every year.
3) I'll turn down to 30 degrees
Washing at 30 degrees or below uses around 40% less energy and it’s just as effective, so there’s no compromise on the clean!
4) I will make my next vehicle an electric one
Most of the 30 million plus vehicles on UK roads produce emissions that exacerbate climate change and are harmful for us to breathe. Electric power eliminates exhaust pipe emissions meaning cleaner air for us and the environment.

what other promises can you make?
what other promises can you make?
5) I will reuse or compost leftover food
We throw away seven million tonnes of food and drink per year in the UK alone. Composting a tonne of food and drink waste has a carbon footprint of just 6kg. Sending the same amount to landfill via your bin produces more than 100 times that amount – equivalent to driving a car for 24 hours!
6) I will become a flexitarian and eat less meat
Livestock require vast amounts of land, water and feed. Shockingly, the UK food supply alone is linked to the potential extinction of approximately 33 species. Reducing meat consumption and eating more plant-based foods can reduce your carbon and water footprint and help safeguard wildlife.
7) I will switch my energy to a green energy supplier
Switching your home to renewable energy can save around 1.5 tonnes of carbon emissions a year - equivalent to taking a car off the road for six months. As well as saving carbon you can also save money too.