A blueprint for responsible global business

About this report
About this report
Businesses rely on a complex network of ecosystem services and social licenses to operate, which may sometimes be taken for granted and leave companies exposed to unexpected risks. Some of these risks are significant to UK companies, including water availability (both domestically and internationally), climate change and extreme weather, and the reputational and operational impacts of biodiversity loss and human rights incidents.
WWF-UK’s new report ‘A Blueprint for Responsible Global Business', highlights the environmental risks to business and the benefits of mandatory due diligence in catalyzing their proactive management.

What the report includes
What the report includes
The report sets out what due diligence is and how it would work in practice. It offers businesses an flexible and forward looking process to map and assess risks and opportunities and focus on those that are the most material to the business.
Due Diligence is an important part of the package to set the enabling conditions for recovery and green growth in a post-COVID-19 economy, for example by increasing the transparency of UK food supply, mapping of the associated risks and catalysing action to mitigate these. Far from penalising British businesses or damaging global trade mandatory due diligence will position the UK at the forefront of current efforts to improve environmental and human rights performance.