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Poles Apart

But still facing the same threat

Donate now to help protect snow leopards, penguins and polar bears.

Snow leopards, penguins and polar bears live thousands of miles apart, in the coldest, harshest reaches of the planet. But they’re all connected by the greatest environmental challenge our world has ever faced – climate change.  

These iconic and much-loved animals are feeling the effects of our changing climate more than most. Please, will you send your gift to help them? 

You’re probably familiar with the north and south poles, home to polar bears and penguins. Yet did you know that there's a region in central and south Asia widely known as the third pole? It encompasses the Hindu Kush Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau – and its majestic snow-capped mountains are home to rare and elusive snow leopards. 

Together, we can achieve positive change

Your kind gift this Christmas can help protect snow leopards, penguins and polar bears, and fight the climate crisis that threatens our one shared home.  

Here are just some of the ways your donation could help: 

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) on a ice berg.

Impacting the planet

The world’s frozen regions are vital in regulating our planet’s climate by reflecting the sun’s rays back into space, helping to keep the Earth at an even temperature. But the warming climate is causing sea ice, snow and permafrost to melt, so more heat is being absorbed by land and sea, magnifying the warming effect. 

Scientists predict there may be virtually no summer sea ice in the Arctic within the next 20 years, while temperatures in parts of the Antarctic Peninsula have risen five times faster than the global average. Even small-scale melting is likely to have significant effects on global sea levels and cause flooding around the world. Meanwhile, rising temperatures in parts of the Himalayas are melting permafrost, releasing tonnes of carbon from dead and previously frozen plant matter and adding to damaging greenhouse gas emissions. 


Our changing climate poses the greatest long-term threat not just to snow leopards, penguins and polar bears, but to our one shared home. Together, we can find solutions  

By monitoring vulnerable wildlife and working with the people who share their habitats, we’re gaining crucial information about the effects of climate change and are helping to co-create solutions to threats such habitat loss and conflict. At the same time, we’re pushing world governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and put the world on a safer course.  

There's no time to lose

Together we can fight the climate crisis and help protect snow leopards, penguins, polar bears and the planet we share. Please help us, by sending your gift today.