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Stop the destruction of nature

Our world is in crisis. We're losing precious wildlife as their homes are destroyed.

Ahead of the general election on 4 July, we're insisting that all political parties commit to stop fuelling the destruction of nature.

thousands of supporters have signed so far. Help us get to 75,000!

Sign Our Petition

Let our leaders know that they must stop fuelling the destruction of nature.

We’ll hand this petition with your name to all major UK political party headquarters to prove that the public want real action from the next UK government.

You must be over 13 to sign this petition.

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decline in global wildlife populations, on average, since 1970


sea level rise since 1901, and predicted to rise even faster


of assessed species at threat of extinction

15 billion

trees cut down globally each year

Spread the word

Thank you for your support

Thank you! Over 10,000 of you wrote to your MP last year calling for the current UK government to keep the crucial promises they’ve made to tackle the nature and climate crisis.  

Your action made a real difference. One of those key promises was to keep illegal deforestation out of products sold here in the UK, and at the end of 2023 the Environment Secretary finally announced plans to put this into place in UK law – a result of the pressure from thousands of people across the UK, and a win for precious forests around the world.