Take action for nature
Take action for nature
The days may shorter, but there are still many wonderful ways to make the most of the daylight hours to connect with nature and help boost your wellbeing.
We’ve pulled together family-friendly activities you can do to have fun while helping the nature on your doorstep thrive. From making bird feeders to going on winter walks, there’s plenty to get stuck into.
Make sure you’re following us on social media where we’ll share inspiring stories and updates about wildlife and ways to bring our world back to life.
Prescription for Nature
Prescription for Nature
Just 20 minutes in nature a day can do wonders for our mental wellbeing. Connecting with nature can help reduce stress levels, ease anxiety and boost our mood.
Whether it’s taking a walk in the beautiful Scottish outdoors, watching the birds from your window or marvelling at a starry sky, we’ve got a prescription for everybody. With a daily dose of nature, we can help restore our natural world while it restores us!