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04 September 2024

Press Release

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Programme for Government - WWF Scotland comment

WWF Scotland

Media Statement

For Immediate Use – Wednesday 4 September 2024

Responding to the Scottish Government’s legislative programme for the coming year [1], Lang Banks, Director of WWF Scotland said:

“While we need to see more detail, it’s welcome to see the inclusion of the Heat in Buildings and Natural Environment Bills which, if robust enough and delivered, could help drive much needed action to cut household fuel bills alongside carbon emissions and to begin to restore nature in Scotland. 

“However, it’s a hammer blow to learn that funding needed to support action on climate and nature is to be cut and that half a billion pounds, raised from Scotwind, that was to have been invested in tackling the climate and nature crisis is to be wiped out. 

“We understand the pressures on public finances right now, but even the very best climate or nature policies and laws will fail if there is inadequate funding to implement them.”

On Heat Lang Banks added:

“It’s welcome to see the Heat in Buildings Bill included in the legislative programme, to give industry and households confidence to green their homes. Insulating homes and fitting heat pumps and heat networks is the best way to tackle both high energy bills and the climate crisis at the same time. There can be no further delays, however, and it’s vital that deadlines to end use of fossil fuel boilers are introduced before 2045 to give industry confidence and meet our climate targets.”

On Agriculture Lang Banks said:

“Given other budget decisions, it’s disappointing to hear nothing about how existing agricultural support will be shared out more fairly and in ways that supports the industry to adopt climate and nature-friendly farming.  Farmers and crofters need clarity and confidence that the industry will be supported to play its part to meet climate and nature targets.”

On the Natural Environment Bill, Lang Banks said:

“The inclusion of a Natural Environment Bill is a very welcome step – and one we have campaigned for along with others. The Bill must include binding targets to restore nature across Scotland and galvanise nature restoration action. Of course, we won’t come close to halting nature loss without funding like the Nature Restoration Fund and better distribution of existing funding for farm support.” 


Notes to Editors

[1] Scottish Government Programme for Government