Developing the Natural Capital Protocol
At WWF, we've been supporting the development of the Natural Capital Protocol, which guides how businesses can address natural capital.
All businesses depend on natural capital. If it's not looked after, they'll pay the price - for example through resource shortages, higher prices or conflict. To help businesses find the best way to take natural capital into account in their decision-making, we've been supporting the development of the Natural Capital Protocol, which provides guidance on how they can address the issue.
The protocol
The Natural Capital Protocol is a framework designed to help generate trusted, credible, and actionable information for business managers to inform decisions.
The Protocol aims to support better decisions by including how we interact with nature, or more specifically natural capital.
Why apply the Protocol
Every business wants to create greater value, be more efficient and make better decisions. The Natural Capital Protocol aims to help you to do this. In fact if you're not already incorporating natural capital into your decision making you're very likely to be missing significant risks and opportunities for your business.