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Restoration Forth

A project with communities and organisations to restore seagrass meadows and European flat oysters in the Firth of Forth.

Hands harvesting sea grass seeds.

A major marine restoration programme

Restoration Forth is a major marine restoration programme working with communities to restore seagrass habitats and European flat oyster populations in the Firth of Forth. 

Restoration Forth will create a toolkit for marine restoration - inspiring communities in delivering further marine restoration efforts across Scotland, securing by 2030 at least 42 hectares of critical coastal habitat restored in the Firth of Forth, and influencing Scottish Government policy for stronger marine protection.  

In 2022, the Restoration Forth partners completed habitat suitability assessments and comprehensive stakeholder consultations to determine the restoration sites and began working with communities. By the end of 2023, the project restored 1 hectare of seagrass and deployed the first European flat oysters into the Firth of Forth in 100 years. The project also trained hundreds of local community members in restoration techniques and skills.

By the close of the project in 2024, the project will have restored 4 hectares of seagrass and 30,000 European flat oysters.

This three year programme has been made possible by funding from Aviva, the ScottishPower Foundation, the Moondance Foundation, the estate of the late Ella MacGregor, and supported by the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund, through Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF) facilitated grants.

Emmy smiling and holding up a native oyster into the air.

Why seagrass and oysters?

Both seagrass and oysters: 

  • improve water quality 
  • store carbon 
  • support biodiversity 
  • provide nursery habitats for fish 

Seagrasses also reduce wave energy, which helps prevent coastal erosion; European flat oysters reduce excess nutrients in the water and stabilise the seabed, improving water quality and clarity.

Your views are very important to us and we take any feedback we receive seriously.

If you are unhappy or would like to comment on the project please do so here.

Upcoming Events

We are running events and activities this year to spread the word about the project. Join us to find out about your local marine environment and what you can do for its future and yours.

28 - 28 June | Oyster Citizen Science

Dates & Times: Various mornings and afternoons at different beaches around the Firth of Forth

Location: Various Locations: Port Seaton | Musselbrough | Crammond | Silver Sands

The Restoration Forth team will be beach hopping around the East Lothian, Edinburgh and Fife area to launch our new citizen science resource. Citizen science is when the public join forces with scientific teams to collaborate on research projects. There are lots of ways to take part and it’s a great way to get outside, learn new skills and do something amazing for our oceans.

Find out more


To find out more and get involved contact your nearest hub