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Our Annual Report

In our 2023-2024 annual report you can read about some of the many breakthroughs and results we achieved during our latest financial year.

It was a year when we saw concerning backward steps from political and business leaders on their environmental commitments. But we’re so grateful that in the face of these and other huge challenges, you have supported us to help bring nature and the climate back from the brink.

You’ll see in our annual report that we achieved many breakthroughs. For example, we successfully made the case for businesses to consider their impact on nature in their plans to transition to net zero. And we successfully called for new UK legislation to protect forests, which will require companies to ensure they avoid products from illegally deforested land.

Our support resulted in a new national park being announced in Colombia to protect some of the world’s richest biodiversity. And we helped with work that’s led to Kenya announcing its black rhino population has more than doubled since the 1980s, to more than 1,000.  

We also continued to encourage people to get involved and help nature. We joined more than 200 organisations and 60,000 supporters at the Restore Nature Now march, to show the UK public wants urgent action. And working with partners, we supported 20,000 people in nearly 250 grassroots community projects for nature.  

As well as our many successes, you’ll find our full financial review and an outline of our new strategy to keep us on track to see signs of nature’s recovery by 2030.

Financial review

Here’s a summary of our income and expenditure for the year ending 30 June 2024, along with equivalent figures for the previous year.  

Read more detail in our full Financial Statements.

Pie chart of WWF-UKs income 2023-24. Membership and donations £39.5m, Corporate donations and income 18.2m, Legacies £16.4m, Charitable trusts £7.2m, Aid agencies and Government grants £4.3m, WWF Network and other charities £2.2m, Investment income £1.5m, Gifts in kind £0.9m, Lottery promotions £0.9m, Other £0.9m, Total £92.5m. Pie chart of WWF-UKs expenditure 2023-24. Charitable activities £70.8m, Cost of raising funds £24.6m, Other £0.0m, Total £95.4m.

Messages from our Chief Executive and Chair

“WWF is in the best possible shape to achieve the impact we need in our urgent, renewed mission to bring our world back to life.” - Dave Lewis, chair

“The indomitable spirit I see every day – from volunteers, partners, supporters and staff – gives me hope that while humanity may cause the problems, we can also be the solution.” - Tanya Steele, chief executive 

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