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Turn scraps into snacks

Avoid binning your food trimmings

Your Challenge

 And that every person in the UK wastes on average 95kg of food each year? [1] 

One of the easiest things we can do to help the planet is to reduce the amount of food we waste. This challenge is all about getting creative with your food scraps by turning them into a tasty meal or snack. You could start small, with one change a week, and increase gradually until you’re wasting nothing! There are plenty of ideas here to get you started. 

Some simple changes include: 

  • Turn your veg peelings into crisps – next time you’re peeling potatoes, carrots and parsnips, add oil and salt to the peelings, then grill or bake them in the oven! 
  • Turn peelings and other scraps into vegetable stock – make sure it’s from veg that makes sense to be in stock (you don’t want a random avocado in your gravy)! 
  • Turn a brown banana into banana bread. You can do the same with courgettes and carrots that are starting to go soft. And you can use over-ripe banana instead of butter in biscuits recipes and use apple sauce instead of eggs in cake recipes.  
  • Use your leftover citrus peel to make marmalade or chai tea. Or dry the peel to make air fresheners or even a natural household cleaner.  

We hope these initial ideas will inspire you to have a little fun while you help save the planet. If you’re looking for more ideas, there are lots more ideas available here

Why you're doing this

In the UK, 4.7 million tonnes of edible food is thrown into the bin every year.[2] When food ends up in landfill it generates greenhouse gases such as methane that heat our planet, contributing to climate change.

How you'll make a difference

By being mindful not to waste scraps, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of the food you buy and wasting less.

It is time to #FixTheFoodSystem. By doing this challenge you are also taking part in WWF-UK’s Eat4Change campaign to encourage sustainable diets and join the fight for our planet. 


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