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Grow your own herbs

Save money and add flavour

Your Challenge

If you regularly use fresh herbs in your meals, why not try growing your own? Herbs are simple to look after and will often grow indoors on a windowsill.  

  • Make a list of the herbs you use most often. 
  • Buy some seeds or small seedlings. Check locally in case other gardeners are giving away spares. 
  • You’ll then need a container. You can buy pre-made herb containers, or make your own by upcycling things like yogurt pots or plastic Tupperware. 
  • Growing them together will reduce the space required and make them easier to maintain.  

Homegrown herbs are easy to grow and delicious! Plus they’re pesticide-free if you’re growing them yourself. 

Why you're doing this

Lots of the fresh herbs you see on the shelf in the supermarket are flown into the UK when they’re not in season here. Alternatively, they may be grown in the UK during winter but this will be in an energy-intensive hot house. Herbs have a short shelf-life, so they are transported by plane, which causes pollution. They usually come in plastic packaging, and go off quickly once purchased, which means the product along with the packaging is often wasted. 

How you'll make a difference

Lots of herbs are easy to grow in a garden or even in your kitchen. It’s a fun activity for the whole family to get involved in. Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you’ll also have an endless supply of tasty herbs. 

It is time to #FixTheFoodSystem. By doing this challenge you are also taking part in WWF-UK’s Eat4Change campaign to encourage sustainable diets and join the fight for our planet. 

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