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Shower the Navy way

Reduce your shower time to save water

Your Challenge

Also known as a military shower, this technique was developed to help reduce consumption of water which was very limited on navy ships. To try it out, shower for 30 seconds or so, then turn off the water while you lather up or apply shampoo. Turn the water back on when you’re ready to wash the soap off. This method can substantially reduce the amount of water you’re using, and the energy required to heat that water! Get your family to try it out too.

Why you're doing this

We often forget that water has a carbon footprint. The energy needed to heat and pump water, as well as the processing of clean water and waste water by treatment facilities, all produce CO2. Wasting water puts pressure on our rivers and wildlife as freshwater supplies shrink, and we can all do more to cut down our water footprint.

How you'll make a difference

Some showers dispense as much as 15 litres of water per minute. That means a 10-minute shower could use 150 litres of water! Every minute you cut off your shower time could save 7-15 litres of water. By completing this challenge and cutting 30 seconds from your shower time you could save 4-8 litres of water"

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