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5 Ways you can be an ocean hero

By taking small actions you can help to make a big impact on our oceans. Here are some of the ways that you can #BeAnOceanHero.


A large amount of the plastic in our oceans is ‘single use’. From takeaway cups to soft drink bottles, items that are used for minutes can pollute our seas for hundreds of years.

Simple changes can mean you drastically reduce your personal plastic footprint:

  • Say no to unnecessary plastic, from the straw that arrives in your drink to the single-use fork with your salad. When you say ‘no’ to plastic in restaurants, shops and bars make sure you tell them why, the more customers that do this, the more likely they are to find reusable alternatives.
  • Make small swaps in your weekly shop to reduce your plastic footprint, there are now so many alternatives that it’s becoming increasingly easy. Get your milk delivered in glass bottles and buy loose fruit and veg, putting them into your reusable bag.
  • Before stepping outside of the house make sure you’re prepared by carrying a reusable bottle, coffee cup and cotton shopping bag.
  • When you do use plastic, look for items that contain recycled materials and that can be recycled.


In the UK, we eat £4.5 billion worth of seafood each year, but high demand and poor management have led to overfishing, causing numbers of firm favourites, like North Sea cod and wild Atlantic salmon, to plummet. Help keep our seas healthier and more diverse by making sure you have an ocean-friendly diet.

  • When shopping, look out for labels such as the MSC or ASC label, which signal that the fish comes from a better-managed source.
  • There are more than 50 species of fish caught regularly in British and Irish waters, try lesser-known species like saithe, pollock and hake, which takes the pressure of the popular varieties.
  • If you live by the sea, make use of your local fishermen and fishmongers. Supporting their business can be better for the oceans and your community.


Our work with Sky Ocean Rescue is all about protecting and restoring our amazing seas and marine life. In 2020 we will be starting to plant one million seagrass seeds to create an underwater meadow in Wales. This exciting work - the UK's biggest seagrass restoration project – is vital: in the UK, up to 92 per cent of our seagrass has disappeared in the last century. Not only does it act as a nursery for marine wildlife, including endangered wildlife such as seahorses, it plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon. 

Your donations can help us make even more of this work possible.  

If you fancy taking on a challenge you can also fundraise for us.


Did you know, a staggering 90% of seabirds are thought to have plastic in their stomachs? It’s not too late to tackle the plastic that’s already in the ocean by helping to clean it up and recycle it.  

Community beach cleaning events can be found all year round and you might be surprised by what a difference they can make. In 2018 Surfers Against Sewage were able to remove 116 tonnes of plastic pollution from our oceans! 

Some organisations, including the Marine Conservation Society, conduct vital surveys as they clean UK beaches. These findings have helped to make a significant impact on reducing ocean plastics, as they can support calls for a ban of specific items, such as microplastics.  

Join like-minded Ocean Heroes for a nationwide beach clean this year or go it alone at home or on holiday. 


The climate emergency is devastating oceans by affecting currents, ecosystems and acidity and raising sea levels. To tackle the problem we need to drastically cut our carbon.  

There are some immediate steps you can take, and one of the most important is to cut down on the amount of meat you eat. Farming animals for meat and dairy requires space and huge amounts of water and feed. The livestock industry alone generates nearly 15% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions. Switching to a renewable energy provider and using more public transport will also cut down your carbon footprint.

Sky Ocean Rescue & WWF

Sky Ocean Rescue and WWF are working to protect and restore our amazing oceans. We’ve come together at this crucial time because our oceans are reaching crisis point, with climate change, plastic pollution and growing demand for resources, such as food and energy, putting pressure on our oceans and marine wildlife like never before. We are committed to tackling the issues, restoring the oceans and challenging the Government to do more. From pioneering the replanting of seagrass, to effecting change at the highest levels of Government, we will strive to continue to futureproof our oceans for generations to come.