Mar 2025
Guidance for farming consultants and finance practitioners
This guidance was produced to equip finance practitioners, including banks’ relationship managers and credit teams, farming consultants and other stakeholders with interest in this topic, with technical knowledge on regenerative agriculture and its financial, carbon and nature implications for a typical UK dairy farmer. The guidance sheds a light on the impacts of the adoption of key regenerative practices for a dairy farmer’s revenues, costs and investment needs, and the current government and market support available to finance the transition. The document also includes a summary analysis of the greenhouse gas emissions reductions that a UK dairy farmer could expect by adopting regenerative practices, as well as the nature benefits, including on water and soil health, and on-farm biodiversity. Finally, it features the business and human story of five UK dairy farmers that have adopted regenerative practices.
This document is based on multiple research documents on regenerative dairy prepared or commissioned by WWF: