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Wild Wisdom Quiz

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Wildlife Quiz

Test your knowledge in this fun quiz. Suitable for children ages 11 +

Before you begin...

Biodiversity is crucial to health of our planet. Before starting the quiz, watch the 2 minute film 'What is Biodiversity?' You can also learn more about our planet's major biomes by accessing our information and activity sheets.



Q1. What does the term biodiversity mean?
Q2. What covers one third of the land’s surface, and helps to keep the climate stable by storing carbon?
Q3. Why are pollinators such as bees so essential to life on earth?
Q4. Some pitcher plants are found deep in jungles. What is strange about these unusual plants?
Q5. There are different types of forests including boreal, deciduous and rainforests. Where in the world are rainforests found?
Q6. Forests located far from the equator experience changes in temperature and daylight throughout the year due to the tilting of the earth. The plant and animal species they harbour are well adapted to these changes. In which type of forest do trees shed their leaves every year in the Autumn?
Q7. Forests are cleared for timber to make room for infrastructure and agriculture (often to grow food for animals). Forests around the world are being cleared at an alarming rate. How much of our forests are being cleared every year? An area around the size of…
Q8. Building roads, railways, electric pylons and pipelines has an impact on wildlife such as grizzly bears and Siberian tigers as they need large areas of continuous forest to survive. This is because...
Q9. Which of these species doesn’t have a home in the forest?
Q10. Found mainly in the Amazon rainforest of South America, which predator’s name comes from the native word meaning “he who kills with one leap”?
Q11. A rainforest could not exist without these organisms which help to form the soil that nourishes the forest. Some are also essential for seed germination and tree growth, connecting with a tree’s roots to provide minerals and nutrients. What are they?
Palm oil plantation, Malaysia© / Juan Carlos Munoz / WWF
Q12. Across Sumatra and Borneo, forests are being cleared to plant this crop. What is it?
Q13. All life on earth depends on freshwater almost all of which is locked up in ice caps, glaciers or buried deep underground. How much of the water on our planet is freshwater?
Q14. We use too much water at home and for farming. How much of the freshwater we use accounts for agriculture?
Q15. With their webbed feet and dense fur, which of these animals is perfectly adapted to life on the river?
Q16. How many large dams are there in the world?
Q17. Billions of these birds inhabited North America in the early 1800s. Which migratory bird was hunted to extinction by man?
Q18. Standing at up to 176cm, which of these is the tallest flying bird in the world?
Q19. These creatures run to the top of dunes when moisture is in the air and stand on their heads, so that water runs down their body and into their mouth. Some have even evolved geometric patterns of raised areas on their bodies that maximize the amount of moisture that condenses from the fog. What creatures are these?
Q20. ._______ were reintroduced into Switzerland from Eastern Europe in the 1970s, partly to control animals such as deer that were overgrazing the woodlands.
Mist over rainforest at sunrise, Borneo© / Michael Pitts / WWF
Q21. In which of these biomes do you get the phenomena of flying rivers, a movement of large quantities of water vapour in the sky?
Q22. Mountain Tree shrews have a symbiotic relationship with these plants. They use them as toilets providing the plant with essential minerals. What plant is it?
Q23. On land which animal only ever moves their hind legs together, however in the water they kick each leg independently to swim?
Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) at Spitsbergen in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway.© Tom Arnbom / WWF-Sweden
Q24. Which of these facts is incorrect about Walruses?
Q25. Found only on the islands of Montserrat and Dominica in the east Caribbean Sea, what type of animal is the endangered species Mountain Chicken?


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What is biodiversity?

One word sums up the incredible variety of animals and plants on Earth. It's the magic ingredient that enables the world to work smoothly.