Mafia Island, Tanzania
Mafia Island, Tanzania
Whale shark tourism is one of the key sources of income to the community around Mafia Island, Tanzania, with peak whale shark sighting season running from October-March. Thanks to the rich feeding grounds here, these whale sharks are permanent residents, rather than migratory like most other whale sharks. We’re working to educate communities, local fisherfolk and those involved with tourism about the conservation of whale sharks.
We’re also monitoring these sharks and conduct surveys every couple of years to check their population is thriving. The current population is recorded to be 206 in December 2019 compared to approximately 100 individuals in 2012, this is a great achievement considering sharks are slow to grow and reproduce.
WWF's work
Around the world, WWF is working to better protect and manage our oceans – including vital shark habitats. We’re also working to reduce bycatch and stop the illegal trade in shark products.
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