Download your species Explore Posters
Our hugely popular Explore species poster focuses on one key species and is packed full of fascinating facts, engaging activities, and information on how we can all help to safeguard their futures. If you would like to order printed copies of any of the editions listed below, please email us at
Don't forget to order your badges!
Leaders can now reward their groups after they've completed their Explore activities. If you've completed activities from one of your Explore poster resources, then your group members have earned a badge related to that particular species (eg. completing activities from our Gorilla themed poster earns your group a Gorilla badge!)
To receive your badges please complete and return our short order form and we’ll dispatch your badges within 28 days. Download badge form →

Download Rhino Explore
Download Rhino Explore
Our latest issue focuses on rhinos and looks at some fascinating facts, where they live, the threats they face and what you can do to help safeguard their future. What’s more, all group members that take part in the activities and become an expert, can earn a special ‘Rhino’ badge.