We’ve got all you need to make your pumpkin stand out this Halloween. Happy carving!
To carve your pumpkin:
1. Download the stencil you'd like to carve
2. Print out the template image
3. Tape the template onto your pumpkin
4. Trace the design by using an awl or pen to poke small holes along the edges of the shapes
5. Cut along the edges of the shapes with a carving tool
6. Don’t forget to send the photos of your really wild pumpkins to gowild@wwf.org.uk

12 ways to eat pumpkins
12 ways to eat pumpkins
Carving pumpkins can be great fun! But millions of pumpkins go to waste each year – now that’s scary! Discover some delicious recipes to enjoy this autumn whilst helping to reduce food waste.

Nature-friendly Disposal
Nature-friendly Disposal
Once you're finished with your jack o'lantern, remember to dispose of it responsibly. You can do this by breaking it into small pieces and adding it to a compost bin or heap. If there’s any paint or artificial decorations, put these in the bin.
Pumpkins can harm wildlife, including hedgehogs, and disturb woodland soils. Let's protect nature this spooky season!