Inspiring the next generation...
Green teams (or eco-teams) are great for motivating and engaging pupils. They help build communication, team skills, and confidence - important qualities if you're keen to get some great environmental projects going in your school! And that's not all; successful green teams can help reduce schools' carbon footprint and save money!
Green Ambassadors, our flagship programme for schools, is all about encouraging a new generation of sustainability champions. Being part of WWF's Green Ambassador scheme provides everything you'll need to set up or re-invigorate your school's green team so your pupils can really take ownership of sustainability in your school. As well as tools to help your green team you'll have access to a range of curriculum linked resources on topical environmental issues.
Teacher and Pupil Resources
- Green Ambassador Teacher Handbook (PDF)
- Green Ambassador Pupil Handbook : Introduction to sustainability (PDF)
Surveys and Templates
- Team Meeting Templates (PDF)
- Project Planning Templates (PDF)
- School Surveys (PDF)
- Green Ambassador yearbook guide (PDF)
- Spreading the word (PDF)

Reinvigorate your green team!
Reinvigorate your green team!
Our specially designed Green Ambassador resources for green teams have been designed for KS2 pupils and include a teacher handbook, activity sheets, survey templates, assembly presentations, plus helpful tools and tips.
You might also like...
- Species fact sheets: Download our free animal fact sheets to learn more about our planet's most iconic species, where they live, and the threats they face.
- Climate crisis: Information poster illustrating how Earth’s changing climate is affecting every part of our world.
- Food for thought: Information poster highlighting the many issues with our current food system.
- Plastic is NOT fantastic: Information poster highlighting the issues caused to our planet from plastic.
- What is biodiversity: Information poster showing how we share our planet with millions of other species; and how we need them all to survive.
- Fascinating animal facts: Learn incredible facts you'll want to share about some of our planet's most amazing species.
- Archive teacher resources: Historical education resources that were published between 2005 - 2015; developed for student teachers, eco-leaders and headteachers who have an interest in creating more sustainable schools.
Subscribe to our education newsletter
All of our classroom resources are freely available to schools, teachers and pupils. You can also register your school to receive our free educational email updates, including invites to events, teacher panels and much more.
WWF Green Ambassadors
Our flagship education programme provides a suite of tools to support the work of your school's green team.