The climate crisis is having a significant impact on the Arctic, with this polar region warming almost three times faster than the global average. Walrus rely on sea ice, but the warming world is melting the ice from beneath them.
Explore the regions where walrus live, discover adaptations walrus have for staying warm in the chilly Arctic, find out what walrus like to eat for dinner and discover how you can become Walrus Detectives to help WWF and BAS monitor walrus populations by searching for walrus in thousands of satellite images taken from space!
Please note our live lessons are currently on hold until January 2023 but you can watch a recorded version of 'Walrus from Space' here.

Walrus from Space: Learning Objectives
Walrus from Space: Learning Objectives
- Understand how climate change is affecting polar environments and the wildlife that live there
- Recall some of the adaptations walrus have for living in polar climates
- Understand how we can monitor populations of endangered animals using satellite imagery.
Curriculum links Key Stage 2 / Second Level:
- England: Science: Living things and their habitats, Animals including humans / Geography: Human and Physical geography
- Scotland: Sciences: Planet Earth; Biodiversity and interdependence; Topical Science / Social Studies: People, place and environment
- Northern Ireland: The World Around Us: Interdependence; Place; Change over time
- Wales: Geography: Locating places, environments and patterns; Understanding places, environments and processes / Science: Interdependence of organisms