Gifts in Wills: Frequently asked questions
Do you have a question about leaving a gift in your Will?
Here is a handy list of our most frequently asked questions.
How do gifts in wills help WWF?
We rely on individual supporters for around 80% of our funding and we’re so grateful to the hundreds of people whose kind gifts in Wills contribute about 20% of our income every year.
We prioritise tackling critical environmental challenges and finding ways to ensure people can live in harmony with nature. WWF’s Living Planet Report shows the devastating impacts humans are having on the world’s wildlife and natural world. But while the challenges we face are tough, we have the know-how to meet them. Together, with your support and our combined passion and determination, we can build a world with a better future.
How do I leave a gift in my will to WWF?
We always recommend having your Will written by a solicitor with expertise in Wills and Probate. This is the best way to ensure that your Will accurately reflects your wishes and is correctly witnessed.
WWF is a member of the National Free Wills Network which is a scheme whereby charity supporters can have their simple Will written free of charge by a local participating solicitor. Although gifts in Wills are a vital source of funding for our conservation work, there is no obligation to remember WWF or any charity.
If you are a WWF supporter and would like to find out more information about the Network offer please contact Ella Coley at
What are your registered details?
Our registered Charity number is: 1081247
Our registered address is:
The Living Planet Centre
Rufford House
Brewery Road
GU21 4LL
What type of gift can I leave?
The most common gifts we receive are for a specific cash amount (pecuniary gift) or a percentage share of an estate (residuary gift) and you can see suggested wording for these types of gifts below.
We also benefit from other gifts, like specific items (e.g. paintings, jewellery etc) or gifts in trust. Your solicitor will be able to advise you on which type of gift is most appropriate to your wishes and personal situation, or if there is an alternative type of gift you would like to leave to WWF.
Residuary gift
‘I give XX% of my estate to WWF-UK of The Living Planet Centre Rufford House Brewery Road Woking Surrey registered charity number 1081247 for its charitable purposes and I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of WWF-UK for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.’
Pecuniary gift
‘I give XX to WWF-UK of The Living Planet Centre Rufford House Brewery Road Woking Surrey registered charity number 1081247 for its charitable purposes and I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of WWF-UK for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.’
Is there a minimum amount I need to be able to donate to include WWF in my will?
No – Gifts in Wills come in all shapes and sizes and we’re grateful for all gifts received because so much of our work would not be possible without this very special support.
Can I leave a gift to a specific area of work?
We always do our utmost to honour any wishes about how a gift is used.
That said stipulating conditions can make it more difficult for us to use wisely. Things do change – some of our projects come to an end and new ones start; and sometimes we may need to divert funds urgently and unrestricted gifts allow us to use funds wherever they’re needed most.
We’d like to use your gift where it will have the most impact, so we would suggest that you express a wish, rather than a condition, that your gift be used to support a specific area of work.
Why is it important to have a will?
By having an up-to-date Will you can ensure that the people and causes that matter to you most are looked after. A Will is the only way to guarantee that your wishes are followed and your assets distributed to benefit those who matter most to you.
You can also use your Will to limit the amount of Inheritance Tax that needs to be paid on your estate. If you don’t have a Will your whole estate could end up belonging to the Crown or the Government.
How can I change my existing will to include a gift to WWF?
You can update your existing Will with a Codicil form, but we do advise you speak with your legal advisor about this to ensure that the Codicil is properly lodged with your existing Will and doesn’t invalidate your main Will.
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