Your Challenge
Maybe you’ve been doing a meat-free day a week and you’re looking to take this to the next level. Why not take up our next challenge by trying a plant-based diet for three days a week!
For those of us who eat meat every day, it can be hard to cut down. Starting slowly helps us to make gradual but long-lasting changes without getting overwhelmed.
To eat plant-based three days a week, you could choose to go vegan (avoiding all meat and dairy products), or vegetarian (where you still eat dairy) if vegan is too hard. All that matters is that you’re making a conscious choice to reduce your meat consumption for a few days. Make sure you add lots of whole foods (such as wholegrains, fruit, nuts, vegetables and legumes) to make your meals nutritious and filling, and avoid ultra-processed foods as much as possible.
Here are some tips:
- For lunch you could make a hearty portion of beans on toast.
- And for dinner, maybe a vegetable pasta or tofu stir fry with plenty of veggies.
- You can explore our handy recipes to give you inspiration.
We always recommended when making changes to your diet that you consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific dietary needs.
Why you're doing this
Cutting down our meat consumption can help reduce the environmental impact on our planet. Rainforests around the world continue to be cut down to make space to rear livestock and to grow crops like soy to feed them. Foods linked to deforestation can be difficult to track through the supply chain as manufacturers may mix them with the same ingredient from other sources. Currently 80% of deforestation is due to agriculture. [1]
How you'll make a difference
Having a plant-based wholefood diet including vegetables, grains, fruit, nuts, seeds, peas and beans reduces your land and water footprint – and it’s tasty too.
Scientific research also suggests that healthy plant-based diets rich in whole foods can cut the risk of premature mortality.[2] So it’s a win-win for planet and people.
It is time to #FixTheFoodSystem. By doing this challenge you are also taking part in WWF-UK’s Eat4Change campaign to encourage sustainable diets and join the fight for our planet.