Your Challenge
When was the last time you checked to see what you can recycle where you live? If you can’t remember, then it’s time to refresh your memory to make sure you’re recycling correctly!
To do this, visit your local council website for information on recycling and waste collections, or go to and put in your postcode.
You should also be careful about the recycling logos on products. Just because an item says it can be recycled – for example a juice carton – it doesn’t mean you can recycle it where you live! So you should always check your local authority website or the website first.
And remember, if you’re ever in doubt, leave it out. Instead of risking the contamination of your recycling bin, place it in the general waste instead.
Why you're doing this
Many of us are guilty of putting something in the recycling bin and hoping for the best – also known as ‘wish-cycling’. This could be putting something unrecyclable, or dirty items such as greasy cardboard, in the recycling. Although it may seem harmless, ‘wish-cycling’ is harming our planet by causing contamination in the recycling collection. This means the recycling cannot be used and risks whole collections ending up in landfill or being incinerated as general rubbish. Currently, 84% of households have put incorrect items in the recycling, hoping for the best.[1]
What can and can’t go in your recycling bin differs depending on where you live, because local authorities all have their own agreements with waste recycling centres and these have different machines, meaning they can process different materials.
How you'll make a difference
If we all recycle correctly, making sure it’s clean, dry and correct, this improves the quality of our recycling and the likelihood that it will be turned into new products. You can also help close the loop by purchasing items made from recycled materials, such as bin bags.