Your Challenge
Commissioned by WWF, the RSPB and the National Trust, Sir David Attenborough tells a story of hope in a time of crisis for UK nature. Saving Our Wild Isles is available to watch now on BBC iPlayer
Why you're doing this
We all need to understand UK nature and why it’s globally important. But UK nature is currently at breaking point: a quarter of our mammals and a third of our birds are at risk of extinction. Saving Our Wild Isles brings to life the scale and pace of change that’s so urgently needed to save nature in the UK. This special documentary demonstrates that it’s not only possible – it is already happening.
How you'll make a difference
If we all work together to preserve UK nature, we can make a difference:
“In this film, we will discover that we all need to urgently repair our relationship with the natural world. We now have a few short years during which we can still make a choice. Where just enough remains of the natural world for it to recover. This starts and ends with us.”
Sir David Attenborough, in Saving Our Wild Isles