Your Challenge
All of us want to help our planet, but sometimes it can be confusing to know what’s the right thing to do!
You can help to reduce the impact of unsustainable palm oil by:
- Avoiding products that contain unnecessary palm oil (for example, toothpaste or ultra-processed foods) by purchasing from brands which don’t contain palm oil.
- Making sure if you’re buying something that contains palm oil, that is it RSPO-certified – meaning it’s been grown and harvested sustainably.
Download the Giki app to discover products that use sustainable palm when you're shopping in store or online.
Why you're doing this
Palm oil is an extremely versatile oil that has many different properties and functions, making it very useful and widely used. It is semi-solid at room temperature so can keep spreads spreadable. It is resistant to oxidation so can give products a longer shelf-life. It’s stable at high temperatures so helps to give fried products a crispy and crunchy texture. And it’s odourless and colourless so it doesn’t alter the look or smell of food products. As well as being versatile, compared to other vegetable oils the oil palm is a very efficient crop, able to produce high quantities of oil over small areas of land, almost all year round. This makes it an attractive crop for growers and smallholders, who can rely on the steady income that palm oil provides.
Palm oil continues to be a major driver of deforestation of some of the world’s most biodiverse forests, destroying the habitat of endangered or critically endangered species including orangutans, Bornean elephants and Sumatran rhinos. This forest loss, coupled with conversion of carbon-rich peat soils, are throwing millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. There also remains some exploitation of workers and child labour. These are serious issues that the whole palm oil sector needs to address.
How you'll make a difference
Buying products that contain certified sustainable palm oil protects our forests and wildlife. The best thing we can do is avoid products with unnecessary palm oil added to them, then support sustainably produced palm oil and avoid boycotts. Boycotts call for us to avoid purchasing all products containing palm oil. However, we know that palm oil is a very efficient oil and requires less land and water than other oils – so when companies substitute palm for other types of oil, this can lead to further environmental and social harm. You can find out more about palm oil on our ‘8 things to know about palm oil’ web page [1].
It is time to #FixTheFoodSystem. By doing this challenge you are also taking part in WWF-UK’s Eat4Change campaign to encourage sustainable diets and join the fight for our planet.