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Nature Needs Your Voice Now

Ahead of the general election, make sure your local candidates know how important action on nature and climate is to you.

We’re running out of time to make a difference for future generations. Global wildlife populations have plummeted by an average of 69% since 1970. The next UK government will have the opportunity – and the responsibility – to lead the world in creating a safer, more stable future, bringing our world back to life. 


Send a message


Step 1: Write your email

To make it super-easy, we’ve drafted the template email and briefing for you below. Copy, paste and adapt the email to make it personal. 


Write your email


Template email:

Email subject line: I want you to take real action on nature and climate


Dear Candidates 

I live in {insert area you live}  and will be voting in {insert constituency} and I am very concerned about the impact the joint nature and climate crises is having locally, nationally and globally.  

It is terrible that the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world. Locally, {insert issue that is relevant to your area e.g. river pollution, flooding, fires, air pollution, lack of wildlife or access to green space} 

At home and around the world, the destruction of nature and insufficient climate action is making our food system more insecure through flooding, wildfires and the loss of pollinators. Our reliance on fossil fuels is increasing the cost of living and reducing our energy security. Many of our most iconic species are at risk of extinction and, our lack of connection to green space is affecting our physical and mental health.

Successive governments have made commitments on climate and nature – but all too often, we’ve seen promises broken, action delayed, ambition watered down, and opportunities missed. The majority of the UK public care about climate change and nature loss – over 10 million people watched David Attenborough’s Wild Isles series last year. We want to see action. The decisions made by the next government will have long-lasting consequences at home and abroad. 

The next UK government will have the opportunity – and the responsibility – to lead the world in creating a safer, healthier, more stable future for generations to come.

  • What will your party do to restore nature, reduce emissions, and grow healthy and sustainable food without causing environmental harm overseas? 
  • Will your party put more money into supporting farmers to cut emissions, restore nature, and make our food system fairer for everyone? 
  • Will your party cut our global environmental footprint by introducing minimum environmental standards for imports of food, and enforcing rules to end the UK’s contribution to deforestation? 
  • Will your party set out and require clear plans to ensure public spending and private companies are doing their bit to tackle climate change and restore nature? 

These issues matter to me, and millions more around the country, who are working together to restore nature and create a net zero future. 

To find out more about how you can help climate and nature, you can read and share the WWF-UK Manifesto. And I would also encourage you to take a break from the campaign trail to spend some time with friends and family enjoying the restorative benefits of the nature on your doorstep, and share why nature matters to you on social media #RestoreNatureNow

I look forward to your answers to my questions.  

Yours Faithfully,  

{Insert name and address}



Step 2: Find Your Candidates' Email Addresses

To find out who’s standing for election where you live, visit Who Can I Vote For and copy email addresses into your draft email. Once ready, send it to your local candidates, making sure to let us know by 
adding to your message.


Please note: Information on Who Can I Vote For is crowd-sourced so not all contact information may be available or there may be inaccuracies. 

Find my candidates



decline in global wildlife populations, on average, since 1970


sea level rise since 1901, and predicted to rise even faster


of assessed species at threat of extinction

15 billion

trees cut down globally each year

Thank you for your support

Thank you! Over 10,000 of you wrote to your MP last year calling for the current UK government to keep the crucial promises they’ve made to tackle the nature and climate crisis.  

Your action made a real difference. One of those key promises was to keep illegal deforestation out of products sold here in the UK, and at the end of 2023 the Environment Secretary finally announced plans to put this into place in UK law – a result of the pressure from thousands of people across the UK, and a win for precious forests around the world.