An area equivalent to 40% of the size of Wales is used overseas to grow commodities imported into Wales.
In many of these countries the rights of indigenous people are abused, people including children are forced into labour, and valuable wildlife habitats are being destroyed to create commodities bound for Wales.
Our report below provides estimates of the quantities of agricultural commodities: cocoa, palm oil, beef, leather, natural rubber and soy, and the amounts of forest commodities: timber, pulp and paper, that are imported into Wales. The report estimates their provenance and the land footprint overseas associated with their production.
This report analyses Wales’ demand for these agricultural and forest commodities that drive deforestation and habitat conversion in the countries where they are produced, contributing to biodiversity loss, greenhouse gas emissions and social issues.
With an increased understanding of Wales’ consumption of these commodities and the impacts this has, we are more equipped to address Wales’ role in global and complex social and environmental issues, such as deforestation.