Dawn chorus
bird quiz
Wake up early in spring and you might hear a chorus of birds. But can you name each bird from the song they’re singing?
Listen up!
From March to July, birds across the UK sing as the sun rises. This dawn chorus is when male birds use their song to say ‘This bit of territory belongs to me!’. They’re also singing to try to attract females.
There are loads of different songs you can learn to recognise. Listen to the clips below – then see if you can pair the tune with the right bird in our Match The Melody game.

Blackbirds sing REALLY early and their song sounds a bit like they’re talking to themselves.

Great tit
Lots of people think great tits are singing ‘tea-cher, tea-cher’. What do you think?

Robins like an early start, singing a song that sounds like ‘Cheerily, cheer-up’.

Song thrush
This musical bird has several different whistles, trills and tunes to listen out for.

Wood pigeon
These chonky birds sing a deep, soothing song – the lowest coo-ing call in the chorus.
Match the melody
Audio Credits: Niels Krabbe, Stein Ø. Nilsen, Francesco Barberini, Lee Alder and Susanne Kuijpers. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org