Living Planet Report 2024
A health-check for the planet – the report includes the Living Planet Index, which tracks how species populations have fared around the world over a 50-year period. Together with other indicators, the index helps us to understand more about the state of the natural world. The report analyses how the nature and climate crisis is putting extreme pressure on ecosystems and the planet. Published ahead of the key UN COP16 biodiversity and COP29 climate conferences, the report underlines the urgent need for the world to meet global goals on nature, climate and sustainable development by 2030.

Modelling the transition costs and benefits for farmers in the UK
The report explores the financing needs of dairy farmers in the UK who are transitioning from an industrial farming system to a regenerative one.

Insights from sector engagement in England and Wales
The report explores the transition to regenerative dairy farming in England and Wales, highlighting financial and environmental benefits, the need for financial support, policy clarity, and collaboration to ensure profitability and resilience for farmers.

A path to profit and sustainability
This report showcases five farmers' transitions to resilient dairy farming, driven by improved work-life balance and future resilience. It highlights that regenerative farming is both financially sensible and a strategic business decision.

Guidance for farming consultants and finance practitioners
Transitioning to regenerative agriculture presents a transformative opportunity for UK dairy farmers, promising benefits across business, carbon, nature, and wellbeing dimensions.

The impacts on carbon and nature associated with transitioning to regenerative dairy farming practices
This document, authored by the Farm Carbon Toolkit and commissioned by WWF, highlights the main carbon and nature implications of the adoption of key regenerative agriculture practices for typical UK dairy farmers.

Dissecting the environmental financial crime nexus: A spotlight on the illegal wildlife trade
This report contributes to the Environmental Crimes Financial Toolkit being developed by WWF and Themis, as part of the Climate Solutions Partnership, a collaboration between HSBC, the World Resources Institute, and WWF.

Balancing Bankability and Integrity: fostering investment-ready nature-based solutions
Tackling climate and biodiversity crises needs greater NbS investment. This report explores tensions between bankability and social-ecological integrity, offering strategies to unite finance, conservation, and development to benefit people and nature.

WWF-UK Annual Report Summary 2023-24
A summary of our latest annual report for 2023-24.
WWF-UK Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023-24
Read about some of the many breakthroughs and results we achieved during our latest financial year.

A Roadmap for Financing a Regenerative Agricultural Transition in Scotland
This roadmap aims to guide and accelerate the agriculture sector's transition through policy and finance recommendations.

WWF-UK Sustainability Report FY24
This report covers our financial year from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 (FY24). It is divided into three sections that consider environmental, social and economic factors, and the efforts we're making as an organisation to address them.

Disclose to Decarbonise: Policy Considerations When Mandating Transition Plans
How mandatory transition plans can be an effective tool for decarbonisation and, if implemented well, an essential pillar of a competitive sustainable finance sector.
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